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VBA Switch Statement

The Select Case statement is a powerful control flow structure in VBA that allows you to execute different code blocks based on the value of a specific expression. It’s often used as an alternative to nested If...Then...Else statements, especially when you need to compare a single expression against multiple values.

How it Works:

  1. Expression Evaluation: The expression is evaluated first.
  2. Case Matching: The value of the expression is compared to each Case statement.
  3. Code Execution: If a match is found, the corresponding code block is executed.
  4. Default Case: If no match is found, the code in the Case Else block is executed (optional).


Select Case expression
Case value1
‘ Code to execute if expression equals value1
Case value2, value3
‘ Code to execute if expression equals value2 or value3
Case Else
‘ Code to execute if expression doesn’t match any of the cases
End Select


					Sub CheckGrade()
    Dim grade As String
    grade = "B"

    Select Case grade
        Case "A"
            MsgBox "Excellent!"
        Case "B", "C"
            MsgBox "Good job!"
        Case "D", "F"
            MsgBox "Needs improvement."
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Invalid grade."
    End Select
End Sub

Key Points:

  • The Select Case statement is often more readable and efficient than multiple nested If...Then...Else statements.
  • You can use range expressions in the Case statements to match multiple values.
  • The Case Else block is optional and provides a default action if no match is found.
  • You can use logical operators within the Case statements to create more complex conditions.