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VBA – Date Serial

The DateSerial function in VBA is used to create a date value from a given year, month, and day.

The DateSerial function is a powerful tool for working with dates in VBA. It allows you to create and manipulate dates programmatically, making it a valuable asset for various applications.


DateSerial(Year, Month, Day)


  • Year: (Required) An integer value representing the year. Valid range is typically from 100 to 9999.
  • Month: (Required) An integer value representing the month (1 to 12).
  • Day: (Required) An integer value representing the day of the month (1 to 31, depending on the month).

Return Value:

  • Date: Returns a Date/Time value representing the specified date.

Example: Create a Specific Date

					Dim myBirthday As Date
myBirthday = DateSerial(1990, 7, 4) 
MsgBox "My Birthday: " & myBirthday

This code creates a Date object representing July 4th, 1990.

Example: Create a date with the current year

					Dim todaysDate As Date
todaysDate = DateSerial(Year(Date()), 1, 1) 
MsgBox "New Year's Day: " & todaysDate

Use Cases:

  • Creating Specific Dates: Easily create dates for calculations, comparisons, and other date-related operations.
  • Date Calculations: Perform date arithmetic, such as adding or subtracting years, months, or days to a specific date.
  • Generating Reports: Create reports with dynamic dates, such as reports for the current month or the last quarter.

Key Considerations:

  • Valid Date Ranges: Ensure that the provided year, month, and day values create a valid date. For example, February cannot have more than 29 days in most years.
  • Error Handling: Consider using error handling (e.g., On Error Resume Next) to gracefully handle invalid date combinations.