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VBA – Trim String

The Trim function in VBA is used to remove all leading and trailing spaces from a string.





  • string: The string from which you want to remove leading and trailing spaces.

Return Value:

  • String: Returns the same string without any leading or trailing spaces.



					Dim str1 As String
Dim trimmedStr As String

str1 = "   Hello, World!   " 
trimmedStr = Trim(str1) 

' trimmedStr will be "Hello, World!"

Use Cases:

  • Data Cleaning:
    • Removing extra spaces from user input.
    • Preparing data for database entry or processing.
  • String Comparisons:
    • Ensuring accurate string comparisons by removing any leading or trailing spaces that might affect the result.
  • Data Formatting:
    • Removing unnecessary spaces from the beginning and end of text fields in reports or forms.


      Key Considerations:

      • Trim removes only leading and trailing spaces. It does not remove spaces within the string itself.