VBA Variables
In VBA, a variable is a named storage location that holds a value. This value can be a number, text, or a reference to an object.
Declaring a Variable:
To declare a variable, you use the Dim
keyword followed by the variable name and its data type:
Dim <<variable_name>> As <<data_type>>
Data Types in VBA:
Integer: Stores whole numbers.
Long: Stores larger whole numbers.
Single: Stores single-precision floating-point numbers.
Double: Stores double-precision floating-point numbers.
String: Stores text.
Boolean: Stores True or False values.
Date: Stores date and time values.
Object: Stores a reference to an object.
Sub VariableExample()
Dim firstName As String
Dim age As Integer
Dim salary As Double
firstName = "Alice"
age = 30
salary = 50000.50
MsgBox "Name: " & firstName & vbCrLf & _
"Age: " & age & vbCrLf & _
"Salary: " & Format(salary, "Currency")
End Sub
Variable Scope:
Sub ModuleLevelVariableExample()
Dim moduleLevelVar As String
moduleLevelVar = "This is a module-level variable."
Call ProcedureLevelVariableExample(moduleLevelVar)
End Sub
Sub ProcedureLevelVariableExample(ByVal moduleVar As String)
Dim procedureLevelVar As String
procedureLevelVar = "This is a procedure-level variable."
MsgBox moduleVar & vbCrLf & procedureLevelVar
End Sub
Best Practices for Using Variables:
By effectively using variables, you can write clear, concise, and efficient VBA code.